Honor Flights continue to fly

#MiddleburyCT #HonorFlights #Veterans

By Freddy Groves

By the time you read this, the first Honor Flights of the year will be taking place. Honor Flights are free trips to Washington, D.C., for veterans, a day of visiting the memorials and monuments dedicated to their service. The trips leave from one of 124 hubs around the country, with all details managed by a crew of volunteers.

In 2022, 21,800 veterans made the Honor Flights along with 18,709 guardians. Since starting in 2005, Honor Flights have escorted over a quarter of a million veterans on these trips. Because of the ages of elderly veterans, flights are currently restricted to veterans from the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War eras.

The Lone Eagle program (loneeagle.honorflight.org) serves those either not near a hub or in the five states without hubs. Any veteran is eligible, but priority is given to veterans from the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam eras. Each veteran needs to have a guardian along on the trip. Children or grandchildren are eligible, but they must be 18 years or older.

The TLC program serves veterans who are seriously ill (and who have less than one year to live). TLC in this case is taken to mean Their Last Chance – veterans who might not have time in the future to make a regular Honor Flight. Each TLC veteran needs to have one guardian, a trained caregiver who will manage all the required medical care for that veteran. The costs are picked up by a donor. For specific info, contact Bobbie Bradley at 937-521-2400, ext. 104.

To see the 2023 schedule and learn more about Honor Flights, go to www.honorflight.org. Will you open your wallet to send a few dollars to Honor Flights to help more veterans make the trip? They’re a nonprofit with a four-star Charity Navigator rating. You can donate online at the website or send a check to Honor Flight, Box L-4016, Columbus, OH 43260-4016.

© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.


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