#MiddleburyCT #MCC #AsYouWere

Rehearsing for the play “As You Were,” Middlebury residents Andrew Kwashnak (playing Vicars) begs Judge Mintz (played by ShawnaLee Kwashnak) for leniency. The play is written and directed by local Middlebury resident Christopher Avcollie. (Sarah Kwashnak photo)
Middlebury Congregational Church (MCC) will present three world premiere performances of the original play “As You Were” in the church Social Hall at 1242 Whittemore Road in Middlebury (across from Westover School). Performance dates are Friday, May 12, and Saturday, May 13, at 6:30 p.m. ($35 per person with a three course dinner served) and a Sunday, May 14, 2 p.m. matinee ($15 per person). It is recommended that children 12 and under attend the matinee as it will be a shorter event.
Written and directed by Middlebury resident Christopher S. Avcollie, this original play features the hilarious execution of an eccentric billionaire’s will. To inherit their portions, her seven heirs must prove their moral virtue by proving they have overcome their individual character flaws; otherwise the estate will be left to the Congregational Church. Wenty Wentworth, a slovenly lawyer with no regular clients, must execute the will. All is not as it appears, however, and so the play unfolds.
The cast features director and playwright Christopher Avcollie as Wenty. Joining him are Middlebury Congregational Church members Emma Avcollie, Audrey Finn, Michele Rowell Finn, Bob Giannini, Andrew Kwashnak, Anna Kwashnak, ShawnaLee Kwashnak, Katie O’Connor, Brenda Romaniello, Sal Sena and Kalman Zold. Music is coordinated by David Obarowski.
Tickets can be purchased online before May 5 at www.middleburyucc.org/mcc-players. Limited tickets will be available at the door. Call the church office at 203-758-2671 with any questions.
Middlebury Congregational Church worship is Sunday at 10 a.m. Learn more at www.middleburyucc.org.
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