#MiddleburyCT #Selectman #BoardofSelectman

L – R, Attorney J. Paul Vance Jr., J. Paul Vance Sr., Meg Vance, and Trey (J. Paul Vance III) at Vyne May 18. Vance Jr., an attorney, administered the oath of office to his father, Vance Sr., Middlebury’s new Democratic selectman. Vance Sr.’s wife, Meg, and grandson, Trey, shared the moment. (Marjorie Needham photo)
Middlebury’s newest selectman, J. Paul Vance Sr., was sworn in at a ceremony held at Vyne the evening of May 18. He will serve out the term of Democrat Ralph Barra, who resigned April 19. That term will end December 4, 2023.

L – R, Middlebury First Selectman Edward B. St. John, Selectman J. Paul Vance Sr., and Selectwoman Elaine Strobel are shown following Vance Sr.’s swearing in May 18. (Marjorie Needham photo)
The Vance family was well represented at the ceremony with Vance Sr.; his wife, Meg; his son J. Paul Vance Jr. and his grandson, Trey (J. Paul Vance III) standing at the podium with him. In his introduction of Vance Sr., Middlebury Democratic Town Committee (MDTC) Chairman Curtis Bosco read comments in a letter from Connecticut Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz.
She wrote she had known and worked with Vance Sr. since 1999. She said he had served with distinction during his 43 years with the Connecticut State Police, helping residents understand accidents, fires, emergencies and natural disasters. She noted he showed grace, compassion and strength during and in days following the 2012 Sandy Hook tragedy. She ended her letter by saying she knew Vance Sr. would bring energy, ethics, integrity and excellent communication skills to his new role.
Bosco said Vance Jr, who is an attorney, has the ability to administer oaths of office and so would swear in his father as a Middlebury selectman. Following the swearing in, Vance Sr. said he appreciated the opportunity to serve the people of Middlebury and thanked both the MDTC for putting his name forth and First Selectman Edward B. St. John and Selectwoman Elaine Strobel for showing their confidence in him.
He referred to his many years of public service with the Connecticut State Police and said of being a selectman, “I am not entering politics, I am returning to public service, and I offer to my neighbors, the people of Middlebury, that I am committed to listening. I am dedicated to being open and transparent and every vote that I cast will be only based on what is best for our town. I consider it a sacred trust to have this chance to work for the people, to be a voice for the voiceless, and to ensure that our town works for our residents.”
Vance said he is considering whether or not he will seek the MDTC endorsement to run for the selectman position on the November 3, 2023, ballot, but has not yet made a decision.
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