Now Here’s a Tip – June 13, 2023


  • Use measuring cups when adding detergent to the washer. It avoids using too much, which can get costly. And it will avoid residual soap left in the fabric.
  • If you use air-conditioning, use a programmable thermostat. You can set it to a higher temperature overnight, when it’s naturally cooler, and have it cool down the house right about the time you’ll get home, so there’s no wasted energy cooling a house with no one in it.
  • When putting woody-stem flowers, such as roses, in a vase, cut the stem diagonally and whack with a small mallet. It will absorb water much better this way. – A.R. in Mississippi
  • Save small milk cartons and wash well. Fill with water and freeze. You can use these in your picnic basket for an easy cold pack to keep foods chilled.
  • Too many suds in the sink? Try sprinkling them with salt. The foam will settle down quickly!
  • Shower rings (the hooks that hold your shower curtain to the curtain bar) can be used for lots of things: I keep one in my sewing basket to hold safety pins. It’s terrific, and the pins are orderly and easy to find. – E.L. in Utah

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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