They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in today’s digital age, storing and displaying our treasure trove of images can take some craft work. For a lovely, cheap display, find frames of varying designs in secondhand stores. Remove the glass and lay them out on newspaper. Spray-paint them all the same color and, when dry, frame and hang your favorites in a very cohesive grouping!
- “When on vacation, it’s really easy to take hundreds of pictures, but when you upload them to the computer, it’s hard to find the gems in the mass of files. Spend some time each day reviewing the pictures on your camera, and delete the redundant ones and pics that are obviously not keepers.” – E.L. in Illinois
- “When my sisters and I get together (there are five of us), we each bring a flash drive with about 50 good, recent family pictures. One sister is a technical whiz, and she puts all the pictures together and loads them back on the flash drives, labeled with the date. And then we all watch a picture slideshow together and share our stories.” – G.B. in Georgia
- Save your favorite family photos to a disk and give a copy to a trusted friend. That way, if anything should happen to your computer/home/etc., you’ll still have those pictures.
- “My mother-in-law has a digital photo frame, and about every six months we send her a new flash drive to plug into the back of it. She does not have a computer, so she enjoys the picture show and can go back to the old pictures as well whenever she wants just by plugging a different drive into the frame. What a great way to share photos with a different generation.” – A.T. in Missouri
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