Acid reflux can cause digestive issues

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DEAR PAW’S CORNER: In regard to your recent article on a cat’s constant vomiting: I had the same issue with my cat. Stella was vomiting once or twice a day for several weeks. I couldn’t figure out why; there was no issue with new rugs or furniture. When they sprayed the lawns in our complex, I made sure not to track anything into the house. And Stella was an indoor cat, so she wasn’t being exposed to other cats.

I got her in to see her vet, who ran tests and blood work and found nothing seriously wrong. The vet said that Stella might have GERD (acid reflux), and to give her one-quarter of a 10 mg famotidine pill each day. I cut each pill into fourths and give it to her in the morning with a little treat. It works perfectly; Stella no longer vomits repeatedly and has been doing well for the past two years. She gets a checkup every year at the vet and comes through with flying colors. Perhaps the owner could run this possibility by her vet and see what they think! – Sande G., Webster, New York

DEAR SANDE: That is certainly a possibility! Readers, be sure to check in with the veterinarian if your cat suffers from symptoms such as vomiting frequently or signs of distress after eating like excessive meowing or howling. Acid reflux is one possibility, but as Sande noted, it’s important to rule out more serious conditions.

Be sure to ask plenty of questions at the vet’s office. Over-the-counter medications are a possibility, but keep in mind that formulations for humans contain larger dosages than a cat needs and may contain ingredients that are not great for your pets. The vet can advise you best.

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