#MiddleburyCT #TreeLighting #Santa #GingerbreadVillage

Image by Bianca Van Dijk from Pixabay
People looking for something fun to do in Middlebury Saturday, December 2, will find events are being offered from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. They can start the day with a pancake breakfast with Santa at the firehouse, move on to a visit to the Gingerbread Village at St. George’s Episcopal Church, and wind up the day with the annual tree lighting on the Green.
The pancake breakfast with Santa, a fundraiser for the Middlebury Volunteer Fire Department Juniors, will be open Saturday, December 2, from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Middlebury Fire House at 65 Tucker Hill Road. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, bacon, hash browns, eggs, coffee and orange juice. Tickets at $10 per person with children 5 and under free will be for sale at the door.
The annual Gingerbread Village and Christmas Bazaar, now in its 55th year, opens Saturday, December 2, at 10 a.m. Visitors can stroll around a lovely snowscape featuring beautifully crafted gingerbread houses. Then it’s on to the Christmas Bazaar with its raffle baskets, Swedish bread and other baked goods, preserves, holiday items and gingerbread man cookie kits. Before you leave, purchase one of the lunches to go available from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Village hours are Saturday, December 2 – 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, December 3 – 12 to 7 p.m.; Monday through Friday, December 4 to 8, 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.; and Saturday, December 9 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch “to go” will be available both Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Parking and admission are free (donations welcome). The church is handicap accessible. Find more information at www.gingerbreadvillagect.com.
The last event of the day is the annual Tree Lighting. That event starts Saturday, December 2, at 4 p.m. on the Middlebury Congregational Church steps with musical performances by local scouting organizations and Brass City Ballet, followed by caroling around the Green and the arrival of Santa to light the tree! Young children will have an opportunity to visit Santa in Town Hall after the tree lighting.
Don’t forget to drop your wish list in Santa’s big red mailbox on the Green! All letters received by Wednesday, December 13, are guaranteed to receive a reply from Santa and his elves. Please include child’s full name, age, complete mailing address and telephone number (in case Santa has any questions). Siblings and/or pets’ names are also encouraged.
Westover School is joining the fun and will open its historic Red Hall from 3:30 to 5 pm. They hope you will stop in to take pictures in front of the tree and enjoy the holiday decorations and treats. Please use the main entrance on Whittemore Road.
New this year: The Middlebury Congregational Church invites everyone to join in singing Christmas carols in the sanctuary after the Tree Lighting Ceremony. Add a little more holiday cheer singing favorites, accompanied by Dave Obarowski on the organ, supported by some of the church choir members.
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