If you lose a contact lens, you can try turning off the lights and using a flashlight held perpendicular to the floor. They sort of reflect the light, and as you move the beam of light across the floor, it will flash. This has helped me many times. I am a little clumsy when I put my contacts in. Thanks! – R.E. in South Carolina
- Great diet control tip: When serving dinner, portion out the meal, then pack up the leftovers right away. You won’t be as tempted to go back and have seconds, nor stuff a few more mouthfuls in when cleaning up later.
- I have a medicine that I take with every meal. Surprisingly, it’s difficult to remember whether I took it already when I’m eating on the go or out with friends. I keep small containers in my purse labeled “lunch” and “dinner,” each with one pill inside. Before I eat, I look in the container. If a pill is there, it means I forgot to take it. Then I refill the container when I get home and it’s ready for next time.
- Last year, I had a large wall calendar at the office. It was a wet-erase calendar with the year on one side and a “planning space” on the back. When the year was over, I needed a new calendar, but the blank side was still usable. I took it home and cut it to fit inside my kitchen cabinets. I have a handy space to jot notes and such. – R.W. in Colorado
- This is a fun game for kids to play with cookies: Stamp the alphabet letters into the top of mini cookies, or use a kebab skewer to write words. Then let the kids spell out their name or make sentences or silly phrases. – B.D. in Mississippi
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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