“Have stubborn stains in the toilet? Put some teeth in your cleaning job by dropping in a denture-cleaning tablet and letting it sit overnight. In the morning, scrub and flush. It just might do the job.
- “Lighten blemish spots on your skin with lemon juice. Just dab on several times per day.” – O.M. in Georgia
- “Collect small bits of soap into a cup or jar. When you have several, add a tablespoon or two of water to the cup to soften the soap pieces. When they are moderately soft, pour out the contents on a washcloth, fold it over and press into a bar shape with your hands. Peel away the cloth to reveal what should be a reasonably solid new bar of soap.” – C.T. in Pennsylvania
- Save power with this tip: Use cold water to wash towels and jeans. Then hang them to dry – preferably outside, but on an inside line is OK, too. When they are mostly dry, pop them in the dryer on air dry to fluff up. Towels and jeans take the longest to dry in the clothes dryer, and use a lot of electricity.
- Take soap scum right off your shower curtain – spray with vinegar and water mixture, then throw it in the washer. Hang it right back up, and those mildew stains are gone!
- “When canning or doing another job, always do the thing you hate first, then the rest will be easier.” – L.D.W. in Illinois
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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