It’s tough to eat home-cooked meals as a single eater. Most recipes are geared for multiple portions, and you probably don’t want to eat the same thing for five days straight. Try this: Get together with some friends and have a potluck. Each guest brings an entree and at least two side dishes, in extra-large portions, and his or her own leftovers containers. Split the food up amongst the guests, packaged as meals. Everyone can cook once and eat for a week.
- “If your baby gets very rashy on her backside, try to give her some ‘air time’ each day. Just an hour a day with no diaper has made a big difference in my baby girl’s rash.” – H.P. in Illinois
- “Leftover dry erase calendars make good bingo card bases. Cut out a five by five section, and use a permanent marker to fill the squares with small random numbers. Make matching call cards from the unused squares. Place the call cards in a sandwich baggie and the rest in a larger plastic bag. Include a couple dry erase markers, and you have a set that can be used anywhere (ours is in the car) over and over again.” – E.W. and S.D. in Oregon
- Did you have too much summer fun last year? Be ready to soothe that sunkissed skin this year with frozen aloe vera. Use an ice-cube tray to freeze aloe vera gel, and let the soothing begin!
- Control kids’ artwork with a digital photo album. Take photos of the best pictures of the month, then arrange them in a scrapbook template and print them out. Keep the pages in a three-ring binder. Label with the child’s name.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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