Dishonorable discharge benefit rules change slightly

#Middlebury #Veterans #DishonorableDischarge

By Freddy Groves

Not all of us left the service unscathed and with an honorable discharge (and all the benefits that would give us) clutched in our fist. Some of us, for one reason or another, did not make it out with an honorable or general discharge, or we even had a bad conduct discharge and/or a court martial. We left lots of benefits on the table when that happened.

That’s changing, at least a little bit. There are now finalized rules about discharge determinations that expand health care and benefits for some of those who did not get an honorable discharge. They’re calling it a “compelling circumstances exception.”

There are certain circumstances where prior actions can now be reviewed. They’ll take into consideration a list of things, such as length of prior service, mental health at the time, any sexual harassment or assault, physical problems, anything caused by combat duty and other reasons and circumstances for the actions that caused the discharge you were given.

You have to apply to see what their determination is. You might find that they conclude, once they know all the facts, that the discharge is under conditions other than dishonorable.

If you want to apply, see: Additionally, see the detailed factsheet at

You can apply online, over the phone or by mail, or you can even show up at a VA medical facility and ask for care. Any of those will get the ball rolling. You’ll be sent a letter asking for details. Give them. It’s your chance to provide evidence or make a statement about what was going on that led to the less than honorable discharge. You can mail your reply or deliver it to a VA office, and you can also ask for a hearing to present your evidence at a VA regional office. The new rule will take effect June 25, 2024.

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