Agency offers free chronic pain workshops

#MiddleburyCT #ChronicPain #FreeWorkshops

The Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging is sponsoring two free six-week “Live Well with Chronic Pain” phone workshops for adults. The workshops are offered on Tuesdays, June 4 to July 9, with a choice of a morning session from 10 to 11 a.m. or an evening session from 6 to 7 p.m.

Participants can join from the comfort of their own home, using any kind of phone, with no other technology needed. A toll free conference call line is used to connect participants to a trained Live Well leader who facilitates the workshop. Materials that will be sent directly to participants at no cost include the book, “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain,” relaxation and exercise CDs and an instruction booklet.

Adults with chronic pain will learn better ways of dealing with frustration, fatigue, isolation, and poor sleep. Techniques to improve or maintain strength and energy, appropriate use of medications and ways to improve nutrition are also explored. The workshop covers gentle chair exercises to help with pain and improve or maintain strength and energy. Breaking the pain cycle, pacing activities and rest, and tips for communicating with healthcare providers will also be discussed.

Class size for each workshop is limited to six adults, and preregistration is required. Participants will need to share their name, address and phone number to register and so the materials can be mailed directly to them. For more information and to register, please call Debby at 203-757-5449, ext. 125, and leave a message or email You will receive a call back to confirm registration.


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