Sometimes a tip isn’t about saving time or money, but about a cleaner, healthier solution to a problem. Going green is a trend that is here to stay. And the wisdom of yesteryear is popping up all over the place. For instance, want beautiful highlights? Get a lemon and get out in the sun. Use the juice to dampen strands of your hair, then as you are out in the sun, they will lighten – no chemicals, au natural!
- “Sunburn can be soothed with plain vinegar. For the back, arms or legs, soak a washcloth in room temperature vinegar and lay it on the affected area for 15 minutes, then rinse. For the face, soak a cotton ball and lightly dab on burned areas.” – I.E. in California
- “Bug bites can be treated with banana peel. Use a small piece of the peel laid white side down over the bite. Secure with a Band-Aid. Leave on at least 5 minutes. This works especially well for my kids, who seem to think it’s fun.” – W.S. in Alabama
- “Old farm trick: I keep a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol mixed with water on my garden cart. If I think I got into some poison ivy, I spray the skin area pretty thoroughly with the alcohol. It’s the oil that spreads the rash, and the alcohol stops it from spreading pretty well.” – J.J. in Florida
- Lush lips and lovely nailbeds are only as far away as your pantry. Use olive oil applied directly to lips and nails to moisturize.
- “Duct tape remedy for warts: Cover wart completely with duct tape. Leave it on for six days. On day seven, remove the tape, soak the wart and use a pumice stone or emery board to rub the dead skin off. Repeat until it’s gone. No chemicals, and it takes about the same amount of time to work as expensive medicines you buy at the drugstore.” – H.V. in Virginia
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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