Summer to schooltime can be quite a transition for some kids. Begin setting a regular routine well before the first day of school. At least a week before (two if you can), have your kids go to bed at a regular time and wake as if they were going to school. Challenge them to complete their morning routine in time to “catch the bus” to a playground breakfast date.
- “Packing the lunchboxes used to be a pain in our family. But we take time on the weekend to pre-bag snacks and sides and decide what kinds of sandwiches we will have for the upcoming week. One person makes the sandwiches and the kids get to choose their sides and snacks from the prepped choices.” – E.A. in Virginia
- When purchasing school supplies, remember that paper, pencils, etc., typically aren’t on sale midyear, so stocking up is a good idea. Just make sure the deal you are getting is a good one. Then put it away for distribution later!
- “I lay out my school clothes and even my hairbrush and stuff to get ready. I put my shoes and socks by the front door. I am always ready before my sister, and I get to watch TV while she is running around.” – R.G. in Florida
- “Pint-size water bottles are great for refilling with milk. The milk boxes at the grocery store are so expensive, and this way, I can control how chocolatey the chocolate milk is.” – C.C. in Oregon
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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