#MiddleburyCT #Selectmen #Stowell

Left to right, Selectman J. Paul Vance, First Selectman Edward B. St. John, Bill Stowell, and Selectman Jennifer Mahr are shown following a Board of Selectmen meeting. Stowell holds the resolution presented to him at the meeting. (Marjorie Needham photo)
Middlebury’s Board of Selectman on July 1, 2024, presented William “Bill” Stowell with a two-page resolution honoring his more than 30 years of service to the town. First Selectman Edward B. St. John said, “Bill was an outstanding volunteer. Whatever he took on was always done the right way. He always answered the call. His legacy will continue to forever resonate in this town.”
The resolution lauded “his unwavering commitment to civic duty” and said it “has positively impacted the lives of countless residents.” He served on a number of boards and commissions, volunteered with the Middlebury Volunteer Fire Department, served as a moderator for town meetings, served on the Region 15 Building Space Committee, and was a justice of the peace.
His more than 30 years on the Planning and Zoning Commission included service as its chairman. He also served on the Retirement Plan Committee, the Library Board of Trustees and the Board of Finance.
For nearly 20 years, he was a member of the Middlebury Republican Town Committee, where he served terms as both the chairman and the treasurer. He served as moderator for many town meetings.
He also is the town’s municipal veterans’ representative, a fitting job for a U.S. Navy veteran with years of service. For this position, which supports local veterans, he went through special training by the Connecticut Office of Veterans Affairs Office of Advocacy and Assistance.
Stowell said as a justice of the peace he has officiated at a number of weddings. At perhaps the most unique ceremony, he said he was asked to wear a tie-died shirt while officiating. The shirt was provided for him.
As impressive as his service to the town has been it’s just part of a long life of service that includes serving as a member of the U.S. Navy for 24 years and hours of service to both the Middlebury Volunteer Fire Department (MVFD) and St. George’s Episcopal Church.
Stowell enlisted in the Navy in 1964, attained the rank of senior chief petty officer, was commissioned under the Limited Duty Officer Program and retired in 1988 as a lieutenant commander. He served on five Naval ships and completed two tours in Viet Nam and two major staff command positions.
Retirement from the Navy didn’t mean retirement from working. He worked as the business manager for Regional School District 16 (Prospect and Beacon Falls) for 20 years, from 1989 to 2009. Despite working fulltime, he donated hours of his time serving Middlebury and St. George’s Episcopal Church.
His service with the MVFD began in 1992. He is a past officer and now a veteran member with 32 years of service.
He has served in various leadership positions at St. George’s where he currently is the verger (a lay person who assists with the religious services). Paulette Zyko, an active member of St. George’s, said of Stowell, “He does more than any 10 people in our church … People don’t even see all he does for the church.” She said she couldn’t think of one church event in the past 30 years where Stowell wasn’t present and helping. She said sometimes she tries to help him by doing a task for him, but he beats her to it every time.
Stowell said his family moved to Middlebury from Waterbury in 1955, just two weeks before the disastrous Flood of 1955. He and his wife of 51 years, Karen, built a house here when he retired from the Navy. They have two grown children and four grandchildren.
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