Be a lost pet ally

#MiddleburyCT #LostDog #LostPet

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My brother and I saw a dog that matched the photo of a lost dog on flyers around the neighborhood. We tried calling him, but he ran off, so we told our mom what happened, and she called the number on the flyer. I don’t know if the owners found the dog. We’re wondering if we did the right thing. Why did the dog run away? – Brian and Sarah in Cincinnati

DEAR BRIAN AND SARAH: You did the right thing by telling your mom so that she could call the owners and tell them where you spotted the lost dog. Don’t feel bad about the dog running away: Lost dogs are often shy of strangers. Some will not even come when their owners call. But, by telling them the location, the owners have a much better chance of recovering their dog.

Here’s how you can support owners who are searching for a lost pet:

  • Take a photo of a lost pet flyer with your smartphone. You can instantly refer back to it if you see a pet matching the description.
  • Don’t call or chase a dog or cat if you spot it. Contact the owner as soon as possible and give them the location where you spotted the pet.
  • If the pet approaches you calmly, try to keep them in place by petting or giving them treats, until you can put a leash on them and bring them to a safe containment area. Contact the owner or local shelter.
  • If the pet appears to be ill or injured, carefully approach and wrap them in an old blanket before attempting to pick them up.
  • If the pet is being aggressive, contact animal control.

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