Solve difficult housetraining issues

#MiddleburyCT #Housetraining

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a 9-month-old puppy a few weeks ago and named him Chestnut. He’s wonderful but has one problem. He is still not housetrained. I think part of it is from the shelter, where the dogs routinely poop in their cages and rarely are taken outside. Plus, he was rescued from a pet hoarding situation. How can I resolve his housetraining issues? – Glenda in Dothan, Alabama

DEAR GLENDA: Congratulations on your new family member! I know the housetraining situation is frustrating but have patience.

If you haven’t taken Chestnut to the veterinarian yet for his first checkup, schedule that appointment. The vet will rule out any physical problems or hidden illnesses that might be contributing to the problem, and can give some helpful advice on working with dogs from a traumatic background.

That background does have an effect on housetraining. Chestnut spent formative months in locations where little to no training took place, and he learned to follow the habits of the other dogs around him. So, you’ll have to retrain him away from those habits, and keep the entire experience a positive one.

Take Chestnut for walks two to three times per day, and (this is important) at the same times each day. He needs to know that at sunrise, noon and sunset, he will have “outside” time. Bring his favorite treats with you. At first, shower him with treats for everything: putting on the leash, walking next to you, sitting on command, and every time he poops or pees. Make him look forward to pooping outside.

Never scold him if he poops inside. Just clean up and try again. If he poops in specific areas of the house, block his access to those areas if possible. Keep training positive and be patient, patient, patient. He will come around.

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