Special Town Meeting September 11

#MiddleburyCT #SpecialTownMeeting


A special town meeting has been set for Wednesday, September 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Shepardson Community Center Auditorium at 1172 Whittemore Road in Middlebury. Both electors (registered voters) and qualified voters (property owners) will be eligible to vote at the meeting. The five items on the agenda are:

  1. To vote to approve the tax incentive program application of Lake Quassapaug Amusement Park, Inc. for participation in Middlebury’s Tax Incentive Program (purchase of new Wave Swinger);
  2. To vote to approve the tax incentive program application of Middlebury Edge, LLC for participation in the Middlebury’s Tax Incentive Program (16,000 sf bldg. 1625 Straits Turnpike);
  3. To vote to approve the sale of MBL 1-00-48 Lake Shore Drive to James K. Zanavich, Jr. for the appraised value of $2,650.00, owned by the Town of Middlebury;
  4. To vote to approve the sale of MBL 1-00-96 Lake Shore Drive to James Harlamon for the appraised value of $ 1,100.00, owned by the Town of Middlebury;
  5. To vote to transfer $246,716.00 from the Undesignated Fund Balance to Reserve Account for Police Accreditation – Juvenile Room/Holding Area.

Bill Stowell, who will serve as the special town meeting moderator, said only those qualified to attend will be allowed into the auditorium. Those who are not qualified may sit in the cafeteria area outside the auditorium.

Stowell said a presentation for each item on the agenda will be followed by discussion, and questions will be answered. Whether voting is by hand count or by paper ballot will be dictated by the circumstances, Stowell said.

A qualified voter is any U.S. citizen who is of the age of 18 years or more who, jointly or severally, is liable to the Town of Middlebury for taxes assessed against him or her on an assessment of not less than one thousand dollars on the last completed Grand List of the Town, or who would be so liable if not entitled to an exemption under subdivisions (17), (19), (22), (25) or (26) of Section 12-81 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended.

Those wishing to learn more about tax incentives for businesses can go to the town website, middlebury-ct.org, Boards & Commissions, Economic Development and then click on “Tax Incentive Programs.” If you then click on “Middlebury Tax Incentive Policy,” you can read the details of the policy. It allows the town to agree with owners and/or lessees of certain real property in Middlebury to fix tax assessments under certain conditions.


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