Check for recalls before you buy

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #Recalls

The recent listeria outbreak in a certain brand of deli meat was most disturbing because it now makes us hesitant to purchase any brands. Listeria can, and has, caused illnesses so severe that people have died. At this writing, the number of cases continues to grow.

Where the mistrust comes in is at the deli counter itself. If the slicing machines were previously used on the listeria-contaminated meats, and if those slicers weren’t sanitized of every tiny listeria molecule, those germs can be transmitted to another type of meat being sliced. Scary.

And when it comes to trust, who would suspect cinnamon of being a problem? But apparently it is, with several recalls due to excess lead in the product. Then there was the real heartbreaker to read about: Beloved frozen chicken nuggets were found to have foreign matter in them, specifically little particles of metal.

Foods aren’t the only items making the recall lists. Lithium batteries have been making headlines, especially when they cause fires. A portable power station for charging electronic devices and other gadgets has caused four fires. Another brand of power station has caused over 170 cases of the batteries swelling and overheating. Even a camera brand had problems with the lithium batteries overheating.

And candles aren’t left off the recall list. One lovely tangerine scented candle was recalled because of a fire hazard. A single-serve coffee maker can shoot hot water out of the top of the machine, burning anyone nearby. A lawnmower was recalled because, if water gets into the handle, the mower will fail to shut off. Or how about the bicycle that loses its steering?

Check online before you buy, especially consumer products. See for a wide selection of product types, and for recalled foods – or sign up for alerts.

And be especially wary of that cute retro-look Italian-made refrigerator that’s dangerous because the door can fall off.

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