“I have to wear my hair tied back for work. With all the ponytails, I get lots of little broken hairs that stick up all over my head when it’s very dry or very humid, especially when I go from a wet, yucky outside to a dry, heated inside. I have tried lots of styling products that don’t work very well. Then a co-worker suggested a fabric softener sheet. I can’t believe it, but it works.” – P.G. in Michigan
- If you have an ink stain on fabric, try blotting it with hairspray. Saturate the ink spot with hairspray and blot using a clean white cloth or non-decorated paper towel. Repeat until all the ink is gone. Make sure you test on an inconspicuous area first.
- For every degree you lower your thermostat during the heating season, you generally reduce your energy costs by 3% daily. Also, turn down the temperature setting on your hot water heater.
- Here’s a no-fail strategy for raking up leaves: Rake leaves into a single long line, preferably onto a sidewalk. Then turn a large garbage can on its side and sweep the leaf pile into the can, breaking to empty leaves into bags as needed. The raking goes much quicker when done in “stripes.” And bagging is faster as well.
- “I have one of those big wall calendars for work. When the year is over, the kids like to cut out the months into bingo cards. They use stickers to create both the bingo cards and the puller’s cards (the individual days and the different kinds of stickers). It’s a fun craft that uses their brain cells, plus recycles the paper calendar.” – Y.R. in Arizona
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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