Keep medication bottles to hold buttons, spare change or even hand lotion. Be sure to clean well before reusing.
- “Clean foam egg cartons can be stuffed down into boots to keep them from flopping over between uses. If the leg fabric is not heavy, you can even cut one in half. You may use rolled-up magazines for this purpose as well.” – I.Y. in New York
- “Used fabric softener sheets can be used to shine faucets and to clean the tub. I use mine for dusting around the house, too. To keep a steady supply, I put an empty tissue box next to my dryer. When the clothes (and the used sheets) come out, I stuff them down in the box, and they are ready whenever I need one.” – B.J. in Arizona
- A chef’s trick to keep cooked spinach green is to make sure the pot is not covered while cooking.
- “When cooking shrimp in a bouillon, put them in the freezer for about 10 minutes before cooking. They will cook up nice and tender. I have had success with this also when grilling. When putting shrimp on a skewer, I use double skewers, which hold about five shrimp. When I thread the skewers side by side, the shrimp are easier to turn over, and they do not spin on the skewer.” – R.R. in Florida
- To keep cheese blocks moist and mold free, place in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Place a piece of napkin dampened with white vinegar in with the cheese.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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