MSTA wins court cases

#MiddleburyCT #MSTA #DistributionCenter

Waterbury Superior Court Judge John L. Cordani on January 31, 2025, issued his decision in favor of the Middlebury Small Town Alliance (MSTA). He found the MSTA had established that the Middlebury Planning and Zoning Commission and the Middlebury Conservation Commission approvals of an application for a warehouse/distribution center were “inconsistent with applicable law.” In particular, the judge noted the law State Representative William “Bill” Pizzuto inserted in the state budget in 2023, General Statutes 8-3m.

The Middlebury Small Town Alliance, in a Facebook post to its supporters said, ” THANK YOU for your support, encouragement, and faith in the process.” More comments are expected.

Middlebury First Selectmen Edward B. St. John issued the following statement about the decision.

“The Court has made its decision!

The Board of Selectmen, in a unanimous vote during their meeting on November 20, 2023, chose NOT to support distribution facilities. Now, let us unite and keep up the fantastic work to ensure Middlebury remains a wonderful Town to work, live, and raise a family!”

This is breaking news. Additional information will be forthcoming.


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