Now Here’s a Tip – February 4, 2025


  • “For a small splinter that is buried, try this trick before you go digging around with a tweezer or a sterilized needle. Use a piece of banana peel laid pulp-side-down over the splinter and cover it with a bandage. Leave it on overnight if possible. It has something to do with the enzymes in the peel as it ripens, but it will help draw out the splinter. The peel needs to be nice and ripe, and it might take a couple of tries.” – D.M.
  • Need a substitution for buttermilk? You can use an equal amount of plain, unflavored yogurt, or for each cup, add a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of milk.
  • “On chore days, I write each chore or step of a chore on a sticky note and attach them to the kitchen counter. Then we all get together and decide who will do what. We end up with our stack of sticky notes and can complete the chores in an organized fashion.” – R.E. in Alabama
  • Keep a lint roller by the sewing machine to quickly swipe up those tiny bits of thread. It’ll keep your sewing area from getting messy.
  • Sharpen scissors by cutting through a piece of aluminum foil that has been folded over several times. It really does work!
  • Parents of twins (or other multiples): It really does make a difference when you join a multiples club or keep in touch with an organization for that purpose. Most do clothing swaps or sales fairly often, and the money you’ll save in the clothing the first year is worthwhile.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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