Owner wants dog in the bedroom at all times

#MiddleburyCT #Dog

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My fiancé insists on keeping the bedroom door closed and my dog Charlie on the opposite side of it when we’re having sex. But Charlie whines, yelps and scratches the door the entire time we’re at it. I think that letting him in won’t be an issue, and he’ll just curl up at the foot of the bed, but my fiancé says it’s creepy for the dog to be in the room at the same time. How can I get him to come around? Valentine’s Day is almost here, and I don’t want our romantic day to be spoiled by a whining dog outside the door. – D.R. in Fort Myers, Florida

DEAR D.R.: So, I’m a pet care columnist, not a relationship expert, but I’ll do my best here. Pets are a part of our family and love being the center of attention, but they do not need to be present at every moment of your life. Furthermore, you’re in a relationship with another person, and a healthy relationship includes negotiation and compromise. I think you can agree that the whining and scratching outside the door annoys both of you.

Instead of arguing about whether he’s in or out, place Charlie in another section of your home where he can’t hear your, um, Olympian efforts in the bedroom. The living room, the kitchen or a screened-in porch – wherever. If he uses a kennel cage, place him in there with a treat and his favorite toys and his binky, and then enjoy your evening.

Wherever you place Charlie, make sure there are no Valentine’s chocolates or other goodies from your dinner in the same room. Chocolate, as you know, is poisonous to dogs (and cats).

Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.

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