Now Here’s a Tip – February 18, 2025


  • Smartphones and computers are notorious for viruses – but I’m thinking of the kind that can make YOU sick. These devices are touched by us constantly. And then we stick them right to our faces! Take the time daily to clean off your device with an alcohol wipe to decontaminate it. Your respiratory and digestive systems will thank you.
  • “We are always prompted to choose strong passwords, but a random collection of letters, numbers and special symbols can be hard to remember. I make a strong password by using a coded phrase, like “My three boys are number one,” which might be “MY3boysR#1.” Just thought I’d share my trick, but not my password!” – R.W. in Iowa
  • Use secure networks to transfer data. When out and about, if you are using free Wi-Fi hotspots, choose ones that encrypt data. You can check the web address and look for a padlock icon, or addresses that begin with https://. The “S” means “secure.”
  • “Sign out of all accounts when you are using someone else’s computer. I can’t tell you how often I have used the computers at the library and went to sign into my webmail only to find that the previous user’s email comes up. Navigating away from a page usually doesn’t work, closing the browser sometimes doesn’t work, but logging off always works. The same for shopping sites, like Amazon. If you don’t log off, because these sites use “cookies” to remember you, someone could potentially use your account.” – M.L. in Florida
  • Lock your device! Just as you wouldn’t leave your door unlocked, so too should you not leave your phone unlocked, particularly if you have applications on your smartphone that can be easily accessed. Lock it up, and be smart.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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