#MiddleburyCT #Police #Speeding
A Bronson Drive resident contacted the Middlebury Police Department to say they nearly got hit by a speeding car while backing out of their driveway. Middlebury Police responded by placing a speed monitoring device on the road for nine days.
The speed limit on Bronson Drive is 25 mph. The device determined the average speed of vehicles traveling that road during the monitoring was 18.9 mph.
From March 2 to March 10, 1,553 vehicles passed the monitoring device with a daily average of 172.6 vehicles. Those in compliance with the speed limit numbered 1,296 (83%), while 246 (16%) were low risk (less than 10 mph over the limit), 11 (.07%) were medium risk (between 10 and 20 mph over the speed limit) and none were high risk (more than 20 mph over the speed limit).
The maximum speed recorded was 39 mph while the minimum was 10 mph. Speeds of 35 mph or higher were recorded at 9 a.m. and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The highest volume of traffic was at 9 a.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m.
The presence of the monitoring device did cause vehicles to slow down. The percent that slowed down ranged from a low of 33% at 9 a.m. to a high of 81.9% at 7 p.m., but for more than half the hours during the day the device showed 50% to 70% of the vehicles slowed down.
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