- There’s no end to the quick time-savers and innovations in the kitchen. Today’s homemakers are likely to have a full-time job already. Here’s one for those mornings when you want to get a little fancy, but don’t have all day: Make hash browns in a waffle iron. Parboil shredded potatoes the night before. Store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Generously oil your waffle iron and scatter precooked potato shreds on. They cook twice as fast and have all of the double-sided crispiness of pan-fried.
- Freeze leftover wine for use in cooking. Use an ice-cube tray for uniform measuring.
- Want to hard-cook many eggs at once? Bake the eggs in the oven 325-350 for 30 minutes, then submerge them in ice water for 10 minutes. Peel and enjoy.
- “Tension rods can be used in cabinets to separate cookie sheets and have them stored upright. Use two shorter ones mounted vertically in the cabinet, and slide the sheets right in. You can also use a dish rack to store pot lids upright. This is something I do, and my cabinets are nice and organized.” – R.L. in Indiana
- Try prep cooking once a week for as many elements of that week’s meals as possible. Chop veggies, saute or even brown meats for casseroles or prep slow cooker bags. It does save time if you are able to cook two meals at once, say, roast two chickens: one for tonight’s dinner and another for chicken enchiladas later in the week.
- I only buy my bread when it’s two for one. I freeze it in half loafs, so I always have fresh bread, even if my nest is empty now! – D.D. in Maryland
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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