Now Here’s a Tip – Sept. 18, 2018


  • Add these to the list of items to eliminate the odor of cooking cabbage: a heel of bread, a whole walnut or a pinch of baking soda.
  • “When nailing into wood, drag your nail through some soap (bar soap is fine) before striking, and it will keep the wood from splitting. The soap helps the nail drive into the wood.” – P.K. in New Jersey
  • Grease spills on your fave shirt got you down? Start in the kitchen, and use dish soap to pretreat the stain. Simply wet and gently scrub with dish soap, most of which are designed to cut grease!
  • “I purchased a set of cork coasters from a discount store to use as floor protectors for a couple of heavy plant stands I keep inside the house. They were easy to attach with a small piece of double-sided tape, and I was able to use a few together, cut to fit exactly, for the largest ones.” – J.W. in Virginia
  • Here’s a saltshaker tip: If your salt clumps (too much moisture) or comes out too fast (too many or too-large holes), you can solve it with rice! Simply fill about a quarter of the jar with uncooked white rice, and the rest with salt. It both absorbs excess moisture and keeps the salt from pouring out of the shaker too fast.
  • Store plastic wrap in the fridge, as the cold helps it to be more manageable when you tear it off the roll. When you run out, consider glass containers, reusable and washable beeswax wraps, or wax paper to fill your needs rather than using more disposable plastic.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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