Puppy has a taste for socks


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 18-month-old puppy, Sparks, will go for any sock he sees, shred it to bits and try to swallow it. I take away any sock he gets hold of, and I try to keep all socks put away out of his sight, but I worry that my kids or their friends will accidentally leave out a sock and he’ll get it. How can I train Sparks to not eat socks? – Bev R., via email

DEAR BEV: You’re right to be concerned, and good job policing Sparks to keep him away from those tempting socks. The shredding is not unusual behavior because puppies love to chew and destroy things, but swallowing the sock is outside the norm.

Does Sparks only try to swallow the sock when you go to take it away from him? If so, he’s guarding it in the same way he guards food, as a resource.

Start his training by reinforcing basic obedience commands, especially the “leave it” or “drop it” commands. (Don’t use a sock as a training tool here – train these commands in a fun, sock-free environment.) Give him a reward, like attention or a tiny treat, each time he successfully obeys the command. Basically, Sparks needs to drop anything in his mouth when you give the command.

Make sure his usual hangout or play spaces have dog-safe toys and other safe distractions. Increase the time you spend with him, too.

Finally, instruct the rest of the family – and friends who visit – to hide any socks. Put up signs if you have to. It’s best not to leave temptation lying around.

Send your questions, comments or tips to ask@pawscorner.com.

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