It’s time to get outside

#Middlebury #Seniors

Winter has finally let go and summer is taking its first steps. But nearly all of us, no matter what kind of winter we experienced, are eager to get out and about. Here are some ideas for activities to do outdoors:

Community Garden: Do you have a community garden near where you live? These are often managed by local groups such as the senior center or the town. Each person who signs up is given a small plot of dirt to plant flowers and vegetables. Sometimes fertilizers and tools are provided. All you need to do is show up and plant something, keep the weeds under control and reap the harvest at the end. If you have a community garden but don’t think you can manage a whole plot, see if you can split it with a friend. If you end up with too many vegetables (think cucumbers), donate extras to the food bank.

Plein Air Painting: Instead of painting in a studio or class, grab an easel and paints (and maybe a chair) and head for the outdoors. Consider watercolor paints instead of oil or acrylic. They dry quickly, and you won’t have to struggle getting a wet oil painting back home. With plein air painting, the whole world is your subject. If you’re not familiar with this technique, check for online videos and tutorials. Once you get started you might discover a whole community of plein air artists around you.

Outdoor Qi Gong or Tai Chi: These classes can get you out in the fresh air and help with fitness. Remember that these two disciplines are good for core strength to help you avoid falls.

Investigate all the offerings through the local rec center. Water aerobics, museum field trips, photography meet-ups and golf lessons all are great ways to get outside.

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