#Middlebury #Dogs
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I recently adopted a big, shaggy mutt named Dover. I’m pretty new to owning a dog, and I wonder if his thick fur coat will bother him here in the South. What can I do to make sure he’s comfortable? – Gerry in Macon, Ga.
DEAR GERRY: First off, congratulations on your new family member! It sounds like you’re already doting on Dover.
Talk to Dover’s veterinarian about how he should be groomed for summer. Some long-haired dogs do very well in the summer if they’re regularly groomed, their fur is brushed out and trimmed a bit, and they don’t spend a long time outdoors in the heat. Other dogs suffer in their long coats – they have trouble cooling off, and their skin can get very irritated. I’ve met more than a few that have their fur shaved very short during the warm months.
A couple of other important notes for summertime dog care: Never leave a dog (or any pet) inside of a car, even for a few minutes, even with the window open a couple of inches. Car interiors can quickly become far too hot for pets and overwhelm their ability to cool off. (Remember, dogs don’t sweat like we do to cool off.)
Also, be careful walking your dog on a sidewalk or street in the heat. The pavement can easily burn the treads of their paws, causing pain and sometimes an infection. Opt for a dog-friendly park with lots of green grass instead. Or, put booties on your dog’s paws to protect them from burns.
Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorner.com.
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