Now Here’s a Tip – Sept. 17, 2019


  • Turn off notifications during homework time. This means you, too, Mom and Dad. Whistles, buzzes and bells distract more than just the person whose phone is sounding the alert.
  • Did you know that when iron and copper in metal kitchen knives come in contact with certain fruits and vegetables, it causes them to brown more quickly? It’s better to use a glass, plastic or ceramic-coated knife to cut produce items, especially lettuce, apples and avocados, which are prone to browning.
  • To remove the scent of garlic from your hands, sprinkle salt on a cut lemon and rub it on your hands. Then, wash as normal with soap and water.
  • This tip comes to me from my grandmother. If you roll sausages in a very light coat of flour before you cook them, it will reduce the shrinkage.
  • Now, here’s a great solution, from G.H. in Florida: “After I pressure wash my patio and driveway, I mix up a gallon of vinegar with a cup of salt and a few drops of dish soap. I use this on cracks to deter weeds from growing in them. It’s safe and works quite well.”
  • “If you use a thimble when sewing, here’s a tip from my seamstress mom: Wet your thumb or finger before you pop the thimble on. It will stay put, as the moisture helps to create a little suction. It’s aggravating when a thimble falls off.” – J.R. in Pennsylvania

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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