If your straw broom isn’t working as well as it did when new, try giving it a spruce-up. Beat any dust out of the ends, then trim off any bent straws. Trim a section from a leg of stretched out pantyhose or tights and wrap it around the bristles, about two inches up from the bottom. This keeps the bristles nice and tight, and it will collect dirt better.
- When you replace old brushes – hairbrushes or toothbrushes – wrap a length of masking tape around the handle. That way you can use them for cleaning purposes, and they will never be mistakenly used for the wrong purpose.
- “When cooking rice, add a little bit of lemon juice to the water. It does not really flavor it, but it will keep it nice and white, plus it seems to be a bit fluffier when I do this.” – R.E. in Mississippi
- “When my child was mostly finished potty training, I put her baby potty in the car with some wet wipes and plastic baggies. Seems like she had emergencies when we were driving, and it wasn’t always convenient to find a business with a bathroom in time. But it was easy to pull into a parking lot and let her take care of business.” – E.E. in Maine
- Store extra plastic grocery bags in empty tissue boxes. They are easy to store this way, and you can keep them under the sink or in the car for easy access.
- “Keep your garage floor nice by lining the area where you park with carpet remnants. Road salt and other nasty business that your tires pick up will not corrode the floor. You can shake out the rugs outside.” – C.Y. in New York
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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