Barra vacancy to be filled Monday

#MiddleburyCT #BoardOfSelectmen #RalphBarra

At the Monday, May 15, Board of Selectmen meeting, First Selectman Edward B. St. John and Selectwoman Elaine Strobel will select the person who will fill the unexpired term of Democrat Ralph Barra, who resigned on April 19. St. John and Strobel, both Republicans, will choose the next selectman from a list of candidates provided by the Middlebury Democratic Town Committee (MDTC).

Although the MDTC or the voters (in the case of a primary) choose the Democratic candidate in a regular election, the town charter states that, in the case of a selectman vacancy, the MDTC will provide a list of candidates to the Board of Selectmen, which then will choose the person to fill the position.

Charged with providing candidates to fill the open selectman position, the MDTC met on May 9, 2023, to compile a list of qualified candidates to fill Barra’s unexpired term, which ends this year. The MDTC has presented the following candidates to the Board of Selectmen for their consideration:

Bryan A. Ferrucci
J. Paul Vance
Michael J. McCormack
Sally Dunne Romano

The May 15 Board of Selectmen meeting will be at 4 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room.


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