How far can a puppy hike?

#MiddleburyCT #Dog #Hiking #Puppy

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a 1-year-old mixed-breed puppy named Star who I’d love to take on Saturday hikes with me. I’m an avid hiker who can do up to 20 miles or more per day. Is this too much for a young dog like her to handle? – Gary in Boulder, Colorado

DEAR GARY: Your instincts are right on – that kind of mileage is too much for a puppy. But, depending on the dog, you can build Star’s stamina gradually, adding miles as she grows.

For a 1-year-old puppy, start with no more than a mile or two, and keep it light and fun. If Star whines at three-quarters of a mile, take a break for a few minutes and see if she’ll go on. If she shows signs of tiredness, like lagging behind and not being curious about things around her, it’s time to head back. Some pet parents will carry their puppy for the remaining miles, but that’s up to you – I think it’s better to just gradually build the miles.

Notice that I also said “depending on the dog.” Some dogs just aren’t enthusiastic about hiking long miles. Others – especially small dogs, toy and pocket breeds – cannot walk very far without tiring. (Fortunately, they can be carried easily.)

Don’t lament if hiking ultimately isn’t Star’s thing; just build an outdoor schedule where she can share in the fun on some days with short hikes, and you can still get in lots of mileage while she remains at home or with a friend.

An adult dog can do 5 to 20 miles depending on their fitness and enthusiasm. But you’ll need to adjust your lifestyle to gradually bring Star up to that kind of distance.

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