Board of Education failed to uphold values

#MiddleburyCT #Region15 #JoshuaSmith

Dear Editor:

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding Joshua Smith, the current Superintendent of Region 15 Schools. Leadership in education carries immense responsibility, influencing thousands of young minds every day. It is deeply troubling that such a role is still occupied by someone whose poor choices have gone without consequence. The fact that he remains in his position after a serious drinking and driving incident is not only a failure of accountability but also a disservice to the citizens and taxpayers of Southbury and Middlebury.

Smith was charged on January 18, 2025, with operating under the influence of alcohol/drugs and failure to drive in the proper lane. Police said field sobriety tests revealed he was over the legal limit for alcohol. While the district Board of Education voted to not terminate him, he faces legal state consequences.

This situation is especially painful for those who work under his leadership, as well as for families who have lost loved ones to the reckless actions of drunk driving. Smith’s behavior sets a dangerous precedent – one that contradicts the very values this school district claims to uphold.

I urge readers to revisit the Core Values posted on the Pomperaug High School website,, under “About Us.” These principles emphasize pride, integrity, and the commitment to developing responsible, active, and accountable citizens. Yet, the leader of our school district has failed to embody them.

Each June, Pomperaug High School gives a presentation to the young men and women preparing for a memorable rite of Spring – Prom – appropriately focusing on the dangers of distracted and drunk driving. How dare school leadership utter “Do as I say, not as I do” and not be ridiculed? Student offenders would face disciplinary consequences while Smith simply had his wrist slapped by the Board of Education.

I was honored to receive the Region 15 Superintendent Award, served as the student representative to the Board of Education, and was a charter member of the Skills 21 Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. My peers and I worked hard to uphold the values our district claims to stand for – but how can students be expected to do so when their own superintendent does not?

I implore that the community and Board of Education revisit this to ensure that the district’s leadership truly reflects the standards we expect from the students.

Liam Kuck
2015 graduate of the Region 15 school system
Bridgeport, CT


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