Pet hospice care a growing option

#Middlebury #PawsCorner #PetHospice

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: A few months ago, I lost one of my cats, Enos, to a lengthy illness. He was a senior cat and had a number of issues, like diabetes, that caused him to go downhill fairly quickly. When it became apparent that he was only going to get worse, not better, his veterinarian suggested that we go ahead with euthanasia.

Enos wasn’t ready to go, however. He was tired and barely able to walk, but his eyes were still bright and he still responded to us. I asked if there was any other way to ease his pain without putting him to sleep, and the veterinarian suggested hospice care specifically for pets.

This turned out to be a wonderful option. The vet recommended another veterinarian who specialized in pet hospice. There was some additional expense and more time needed to properly care for Enos, but he lived like a king, largely free from pain, for almost six months before passing quietly. I highly recommend that owners of senior pets consider hospice as an option to euthanasia. – Carol in Boone, North Carolina

DEAR CAROL: Condolences on the loss of Enos. It sounds as if you were able to extend his life comfortably thanks to hospice care.

This can be a good option for owners trying to cope with the impending loss of a pet, but it’s important to research hospice care and to pair with a veterinarian who is knowledgeable and experienced with this option. It requires much closer observation and care by the owner, and much more frequent treatment by the vet. Owners need to be prepared for the greater investment both time and money.

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