Infected paw needs treatment

#Middlebury #PawsCorner

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: This winter has been especially icy in the Northeast, and for the first time ever I noticed a cut on the front paw of my short-haired mutt, Hansel. It’s on one of his paw pads and is pretty deep. I’m not sure how he cut it. I cleaned it well, but it doesn’t look any better – his pad is swollen and he doesn’t like standing on it. What else can I do? – Edgar in Providence, Rhode Island

DEAR EDGAR: This is the perfect time to call the veterinarian and bring Hansel in to have it checked out. For small cuts, owners usually just need to make sure they’re clean and watch for signs of infection. However, once you see or suspect infection, it’s time to consult the pros. Since Hansel is limping or keeping his paw up, he’s definitely uncomfortable and in pain.

The vet can make sure the infection is confined to just the pad, and that Hansel isn’t developing any complications. Likely, they will clean the wound again and recommend an antibiotic ointment. The vet also may recommend an oral antibiotic to prevent a more serious infection.

To keep Hansel from licking the injured paw, he may have to wear what my sister-in-law likes to call the “cone of shame,” a temporary collar that looks like a lampshade. Silly as it looks, it can help the pad heal.

You did a great job checking Hansel’s paws after every walk and cleaning off any salt and sand – another big annoyance in the frozen north, as many pet owners can attest. Once he is fully healed, continue those daily walks outdoors. I’m sure he looks forward to them.

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