Start a garden indoors

#MiddleburyCT #VegetableGarden #Seniors The many feet of snow on the ground where I live is an indication of just how far I am from starting a vegetable garden this year. However, ... Continue Reading →

Scams against seniors get worse

#MiddleburyCT #Scams #Seniors Data breaches and financial scams against seniors are at all-time highs. What was bad before is apparently even worse now. Why do scammers target seniors? ... Continue Reading →

You can hire downsizing help

#MiddleburyCT #Downsizing #Seniors Sometimes we just don’t want to face the truth, so we ignore it as long as we can. But eventually it becomes clear: We need to downsize. Just ... Continue Reading →

Get through the winter safely

#MiddleburyCT #Winter #Seniors The top five items tonight on my local news channel were automobile crashes caused by slick road surfaces. And these weren’t just little fender ... Continue Reading →

Don’t fall for Medicare scams

#MiddleburyCT #MedicareScams #Seniors Medicare card scams are on the rise. During one calendar year, Medicare had over $100 billion in fraudulent claims, and the damage cost goes up ... Continue Reading →

Going back to work?

#MiddleburyCT #AARP #Seniors #Work #Resumes A small recent survey revealed that 51% of the retired senior respondents are considering going back to work, also known as “unretiring.” ... Continue Reading →

AARP membership is worth having

#MiddleburyCT #AARP #Seniors #Discounts After many years at the same cost, AARP increased their membership fee to $20 at the beginning of this year. But it’s still a bargain ... Continue Reading →

Calculate the price of eggs

#MiddleburyCT #EggPrices #Seniors #Protein Here we go again. Because of the avian influenza, many hens have had to be culled, leaving fewer to produce eggs. Supply and demand being ... Continue Reading →

This winter, try painting

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #Winter #Painting #YouTube It looks like we’re in for a long winter, with extremely cold temperatures in several places. Many of us are already realizing ... Continue Reading →

Keep food safe during power outages

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #FoodborneIllness #FoodSafety #PowerOutage There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and not all of it is good. We need to be aware of what’s ... Continue Reading →