Does intermittent fasting raise heart disease risk?
#MiddleburyCT #IntermittentFasting #HeartDisease #VocalCordParalysis
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read a recent headline that said people who fast intermittently have an increased risk of heart ... Continue Reading →
What causes insulin resistance?
#MiddleburyCT #Insulin #InsulinResistance #Diabetes
DEAR DR. ROACH: What is the main cause for insulin resistance? I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes about five years ago. I’ve ... Continue Reading →
Patient questions ALS diagnosis
#MiddleburyCT #ALS #LowThroidLevels
DEAR DR. ROACH: My question is about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). I have been diagnosed with this horrible, debilitating disease, and I don’t ... Continue Reading →
Low iron levels might affect blood donor’s depression
#MiddleburyCT #Depression #LowIron
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am wondering if there is any link between low iron and depression/anxiety. I am a 37-year-old woman, and I started taking Lexapro ... Continue Reading →
Peanut allergy immunotherapy still a work in progress
#MiddleburyCT #PeanutAllergy #Immunotherapy
DEAR DR. ROACH: Why can’t people see an allergist and get desensitized to a peanut allergy? As a child, I was allergic to dust, pet ... Continue Reading →
Plant-based diet gives diabetics great results
#MiddleburyCT #PlantBasedDiet #Diabetics
DEAR DR. ROACH: Your recent column about treating diabetes left me wondering. Diabetes, as I understand it, is usually a result of too much ... Continue Reading →
Does apple cider vinegar stop blood in urine?
#MiddleburyCT #AppleCiderVinegar #Neuropathy
DEAR DR. ROACH: Recently, I had anal cancer and was treated with chemo and radiation. The radiation burned my insides and severely damaged ... Continue Reading →
Look at the causes behind mobility issues
#MiddleburyCT #MobilityIssues #OxygenSupport #Exercise
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 79 and can move around without any problem. I walk five days a week, and my weight is normal. However, it ... Continue Reading →
Vocal cord becomes paralyzed after a cold
#MiddleburyCT #VocalCord #VaricoseVeins #Exercise
DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter, 45, has had a paralyzed left vocal cord for about a year now. We have been to an ear, nose and throat ... Continue Reading →
Constant Aleve and ibuprofen use can cause damage
#MiddleburyCT #Osteoarthritis #Aleve #Ibuprofen #Tylenol
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband, age 70, had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his neck, for which he would take Aleve to relieve ... Continue Reading →
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