Power plant should not be built
To the Editor:
A dirty fuel energy “start-up” plant is obsolete in the 21st century. Methane is a dirty fossil fuel that generates carbon dioxide (CO2). It adds to climate change, ... Continue Reading →
Public input vital to power plant defeat
To the Editor:
The Connecticut Siting Council (CSC) public meeting on Jan. 15 in Oxford concerning the proposed CPV Towantic Energy gas/oil power plant provided Oxford, Middlebury, ... Continue Reading →
Power plant a benefit to all
To the Editor:
There’s a constant flow of negative letters regarding the proposed Oxford power plant. They hit all the bases, i.e., negative real estate value, threat to aircraft, ... Continue Reading →
“Free” tuition isn’t free
To the Editor:
The recent headline in the Rep-Am touting that the president was proposing “free” tuition for those attending community colleges certainly is an appealing concept. ... Continue Reading →
Ambulance contract accountability
To the Editor:
The 2010-2014 ambulance contract between the Middlebury Ambulance Fund and the Middlebury government reads like a pilot episode of “The Sopranos meet The Simpsons.” ... Continue Reading →