Are some thefts worse than others?

#Middlebury #Stealing #VA #Veterans VETERANS POST By Freddy Groves I don’t know which is worse: stealing millions of dollars from the VA or stealing pain drugs from patients. ... Continue Reading →

Dishonorable discharge benefit rules change slightly

#Middlebury #Veterans #DishonorableDischarge VETERANS POST By Freddy Groves Not all of us left the service unscathed and with an honorable discharge (and all the benefits that would ... Continue Reading →

2023 Stand Downs are gearing up

#MiddleburyCT #Veterans #StandDowns VETERANS POST By Freddy Groves Stand Downs for 2023 are gearing up across the country, with more to take place as the weather warms up. Stand Downs ... Continue Reading →

VA extends deadlines for life insurance

#Middlebury #Veterans Nobody wants to think about it, but the need for life insurance is a fact of life. And now the cost of life insurance for veterans is dropping, opening the door ... Continue Reading →

Stand downs offer help for homeless veterans

#Middlebury #Veterans Do you need Stand Down services? Or are you willing to help create successful events for homeless veterans? Even though parts of the country aren’t quite ... Continue Reading →

Man dupes VA, collects dead sister’s benefits

#Middlebury #Veterans A man on the East Coast pretended to be his deceased sister for over two years, taking veterans disability benefits that continued to be deposited in her bank ... Continue Reading →

Senior News Line – Are you getting all your benefits?

#MIDDLEBURY by Matilda Charles You might be eligible for benefits you don’t even know about. The National Council on Aging has a website that identifies benefits such as help ... Continue Reading →