Cats can get upper respiratory infections

#MiddleburyCT #Cats #UpperRespiratoryInfections DEAR PAW’S CORNER: This winter, a lot of my family has had colds and flu. Can my cat catch a cold from us? – Darlene, via email DEAR ... Continue Reading →

Cats can hide illness symptoms, so be aware

#MiddleburyCT #Cats DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat Sisko became very unaffectionate a few days ago. He hid under the bed or crouched in the corner of the living room and refused to ... Continue Reading →

Do cats really need potty training?

#MiddleburyCT #KittyLitter #Cats #PottyTraining DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I read with interest your recent column about cats using shop towels rather than kitty litter to do their business. ... Continue Reading →

A handful of dog treats help the medicine go down

#MiddleburyCT #Medications #Dogs #Cats DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a tip for the owner who is struggling to give their dog eye medicine. Our dog had cataract removal surgery earlier ... Continue Reading →

Pets wearing pants? How about no!

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I saw something on social media about a town in New York state that passed an ordinance requiring pets to “cover their genitals” by wearing ... Continue Reading →

Readers sound off on letting cats outside

#Middlebury #Cats DEAR READERS: My recent letter from a pet mom who strongly believes cats should be allowed outside really touched a nerve among readers. They sent in some great responses, ... Continue Reading →

Pet owner says let cats roam freely outdoors

#Middlebury #Cats DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Your point about cats being at grave risk outdoors is just silly. Are there some dangers? Sure, there are. Small dogs are subject to the same ... Continue Reading →

Do cats, goldfish mix?

#Middlebury #Cat #Goldfish DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My daughter received a goldfish for her last birthday, and true to her word, she has kept the fish healthy and happy. Now, for her ... Continue Reading →

Cat owner defends free-range felines

#Middlebury #Cats DEAR PAW’S CORNER: As an owner of six indoor cats, I would like to respond to your recent article (“Cats shouldn’t get free pass to poop”). In the ... Continue Reading →

Help fight off fleas with brewer’s yeast

#Middlebury #Fleas DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Regarding cats with fleas, I have had great success eliminating fleas by adding powdered brewer’s yeast to their food. One of my cats ... Continue Reading →