Find emphysema cause, ways to minimize it
#MiddleburyCT #Emphysema #CollagenPeptides
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am male, age 65. I exercise regularly. A shortness of breath led me to get a chest X-ray, which showed that I have emphysema. ... Continue Reading →
Smoking, symptoms biggest factors in COPD prognosis
#Middlebury #COPD #YoniPearls
DEAR DR. ROACH: I was diagnosed with COPD a year and a half ago. I seem to be unable to get answers from my pulmonary doctor, as he is always busy. How ... Continue Reading →
COPD lung function can’t be restored
#Middlebury #Health #COPD
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column on pulmonary fibrosis. I especially appreciate knowing that there are medications known to slow the progression of ... Continue Reading →
Quitting smoking better than any cough syrup
#Middlebury #Health
DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter smokes. She doesn’t have COPD now, but last spring she had bronchitis and was off work for a week. When she went back to work, ... Continue Reading →

Free pulmonary screening at Waterbury Hospital
WATERBURY, Oct. 2, 2015 ― Waterbury Hospital is partnering with the Alpha 1 Foundation and Waterbury Pulmonary Associates to sponsor a free pulmonary screening on Monday, Oct. ... Continue Reading →
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