Keep food safe during power outages

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #FoodborneIllness #FoodSafety #PowerOutage There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and not all of it is good. We need to be aware of what’s ... Continue Reading →

Beware of listeria and salmonella

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #Listeria #Salmonella The saga of listeria in sliced deli lunch meat continues, month after month. The list of affected items gets longer and longer as there ... Continue Reading →

Sign up for food safety alerts

#MiddleburyCT #FoodSafetyAlerts #Seniors At this writing we’re being told on the news that the bird flu that’s popping up across the country is being found in milk we buy. ... Continue Reading →

Are recalled foods in your home?

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #FoodRecall Ever wondered how many food items in your freezer, refrigerator or kitchen cabinet are on recall lists? I spotted a food recall alert on the news, ... Continue Reading →

Food safety alerts are just the start

#Middlebury #Seniors The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service sends out email alerts to those of us who are signed up for warnings about foods and products ... Continue Reading →