Adjust to a new sleeping schedule
#MiddleburyCT #SleepingSchedule #Fibromyalgia
DEAR DR. ROACH: I just retired from working the graveyard shift for 40 years. I am hoping you can share some information on how to safely ... Continue Reading →
DVT patient switches to aspirin
#MiddleburyCT #DVT #Xarelto #Aspirin #Omeprazole
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 81-year-old female who has been on Xarelto for years due to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). I also have an inferior ... Continue Reading →
Botox injections used for overactive bladder
#MiddleburyCT #OveractiveBladder #FoleyCatheter
DEAR DR. ROACH: In two weeks, I am supposed to get Botox injections for my overactive bladder (OAB) and my frequent need to urinate at ... Continue Reading →
Blood test indicates severe kidney damage
#MiddleburyCT #BloodTest #KidneyDamage
DEAR DR. ROACH: Last summer, a city policeman came to my door. My doctor had been unable to contact me with the results of a recent blood test ... Continue Reading →
Restless legs raise up to a foot
#MiddleburyCT #RestlessLegs #StabbingHeadache
DEAR DR. ROACH: Do you have any recommendations to stop restless legs at night? My husband has been to many doctors to find a cause or ... Continue Reading →
When do medicines expire?
#MiddleburyCT #ExpirationDate #NAC #PsychiatricIllness
DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently tested positive for COVID using an expired home test, and I self-isolated for five days. I also realized ... Continue Reading →
Stay cool with agua fresca
#MiddleburyCT #AguaFresca
This week summer officially arrives in all its sunny, sizzling glory. With temperatures climbing, often higher than usual, it’s crucial to stay hydrated. ... Continue Reading →
Do steroid shots relieve sciatica?
#MiddleburyCT #SteroidShots #Sciatica #Raynaud’sPhenomenon
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am wondering what the best treatment is for sciatic pain. Would a steroid shot help? The pain is behind ... Continue Reading →
Does intermittent fasting raise heart disease risk?
#MiddleburyCT #IntermittentFasting #HeartDisease #VocalCordParalysis
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read a recent headline that said people who fast intermittently have an increased risk of heart ... Continue Reading →
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