Understand Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and its treatment
#MiddleburyCT #Hashimoto’s #Huntington’sDisease
DEAR DR. ROACH: Please explain Hashimoto’s disease. I have heard that it is rare, but two colleagues have recently ... Continue Reading →
Ampullary cancer treatment can include chemo prior to surgery
#MiddleburyCT #AmpullaryCancer #EKG
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband was diagnosed with ampullary cancer. He has a tumor the size of a marble. We are told this is an aggressive cancer. My ... Continue Reading →
Macular degeneration vitamins coincide with leg cramps
#MiddleburyCT #HeartDisease #PanicAttacks #PSA
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been told at the age of 70 that I am in the early stages of the eye disease macular degeneration. The doctor told ... Continue Reading →
Seizure-like reactions pose the question of epilepsy
#MiddleburyCT #Seizure #Epilepsy
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband experienced seizure-like episodes without tonic/clonic body movements in high altitude. These episodes occured while he ... Continue Reading →
How to best utilize compression stockings
#MiddleburyCT #CompressionStockings #CollagenPeptides
DEAR DR. ROACH: Would you please address how to use compression socks? I sit most of the day, so wearing the socks helps my legs ... Continue Reading →
Hemochromatosis causes iron overload
#MiddleburyCT #Hemochromatosis #Praluent #PCSK9Inhibitors
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband was diagnosed with hemochromatosis 13 months before he died. I recommended that his blood relatives ... Continue Reading →
Heart attacks occur after treatment of infections
#MiddleburyCT #HeartAttack #TestosteroneTherapy
DEAR DR. ROACH: My mom had a throat and palate infection that was treated in 2017, and about two weeks later, she had a heart attack. ... Continue Reading →
Hemorrhoid surgery doesn’t deserve bad reputation
#MiddleburyCT #DietStyle #HeartDiseaseRisk
DEAR DR. ROACH: My 30-year-old, and otherwise healthy grandson has been suffering from, and treating, hemorrhoids for two years. He is anemic ... Continue Reading →
High blood pressure calls for more medication
#MiddleburyCT #HighBloodPressure #EggAllergy
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 68-year-old female who was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 32. I am 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weigh 130 pounds. ... Continue Reading →
Possible heart disease symptoms are written off due to weight
#MiddleburyCT #HeartDisease #Weight
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’ve been experiencing pain in my chest, dizziness and shortness of breath on exertion. The chest pain lasts for a few hours. ... Continue Reading →
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