This cat clings too much
#MiddleburyCT #ClingyCat
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-year-old cat Ella has gotten very clingy lately. She was always fairly independent and preferred to lounge atop the sofa and ... Continue Reading →
Prescription costs $500 for a month’s supply
#MiddleburyCT #Constipation #ColoredSweat
DEAR DR. ROACH: What can you tell me about a prescription of 145 mcg of Linzess, and why a doctor would prescribe a pill over $500? What are ... Continue Reading →
Men with Factor V Leiden can still receive testosterone therapy
#MiddleburyCT #Health #TestosteroneTherapy #Dementia
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have Factor V Leiden, but I have been wanting to do testosterone replacement therapy. I have heard that testosterone ... Continue Reading →
Supplements taken at lower doses won’t adversely affect health
#MiddleburyCT #Supplements
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a healthy 46-year-old woman who exercises daily for health, strength, and stress relief. I also want to stay relatively lean. In order ... Continue Reading →
Consuming collagen is not proven to reduce wrinkles
#Middlebury #Health #Collagen
DEAR DR. ROACH: Several months ago, I started adding 25 grams of whey protein to an afternoon smoothie each day. I was worried about muscle loss after ... Continue Reading →
EKG test result may be a sign of heart block
#Middlebury #Health
DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently had an EKG that showed first degree heart block and “inferior infarct, age undetermined.” What does that mean? What should I do to ... Continue Reading →
Osteoporosis treatment could put jaw at risk
#Middlebury #Health #Osteopenia
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 80-year-old female in good health except for a diagnosis of osteopenia. My primary care doctor has prescribed medication for ... Continue Reading →
Cologuard test is worth risk of a false positive
#Middlebury #Health
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 77-year-old man in good health. At my recent annual physical exam, my physician ordered a Cologuard kit to be sent to me to screen for colorectal ... Continue Reading →
Treat leg swelling with horse chestnuts?
#Middlebury #Health #
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 75-year-old male who was diagnosed two years ago with superficial venous insufficiency. Venous ablation was considered, but my cardiologist ... Continue Reading →
Family history includes puzzling advice about oranges
#Middlebury #Oranges #SolarPurpura
DEAR DR. ROACH: Sixty years ago, I married into a family that included a woman doctor in the generation before mine. My mother-in-law was always lamenting ... Continue Reading →
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