Probiotics may help restore good bacteria in the gut

#Probiotics #Esophagectomy #SleepAid DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently wrote that you do not recommend probiotics in healthy people. I am a 78-year-old male who, three years ago, underwent ... Continue Reading →

Constant Aleve and ibuprofen use can cause damage

#MiddleburyCT #Osteoarthritis #Aleve #Ibuprofen #Tylenol DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband, age 70, had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his neck, for which he would take Aleve to relieve ... Continue Reading →

Patient develops hives after taking ibuprofen

#MiddleburyCT #Hives #Ibuprofen #BlueLips DEAR DR. ROACH: I took ibuprofen for my osteoarthritis, but developed hives. Does this mean I’m allergic to all NSAIDs? What other therapeutic ... Continue Reading →

Bariatric surgery can be considered to keep weight off

#MiddleburyCT #Health #BariatricSurgery #PainMedication DEAR DR. ROACH: I have had a BMI over 40 for the last 20 years, and I have not been able to lose weight or keep the weight off. ... Continue Reading →

Vitamin D deficit follows gastric bypass

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 72-year-old woman in fair health. I had strong bones until I had gastric bypass surgery. Within two years, I developed osteoporosis. In 2016 ... Continue Reading →

Is overexercise cause of ‘knots in the back’?

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife is 69 and in very good health, exercising at least two hours a day. She has suffered from “knots in the back” for over 10 years. It is ... Continue Reading →