Having a pet is good for seniors

#MiddleburyCT #Seniors #Pets The studies are clear: Owning a pet is good for us. For those of us who stay home much of the time, having a pet can be a boon to our physical and mental ... Continue Reading →

Build a pet first-aid kit

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I read in a guide about cutting dogs’ toenails that styptic will stop bleeding if you cut their paws. What is that, and where do I get ... Continue Reading →

Rally family, friends to find lost cat

#Middlebury #LostCat DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My orange striped cat, Charlie, went outside for the night about two weeks ago. I haven’t seen him since. He’s been an indoor/outdoor ... Continue Reading →

Sly solution solves phantom pet pooper problem

#Middlebury DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I read your recent column about the homeowner who was struggling to find out which owner was allowing their dog to poop on their lawn. Your ideas ... Continue Reading →

Fourth of July fireworks can traumatize pets

#Middlebury #FourthofJuly #Fireworks DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Please remind your readers that the noise and flash of fireworks can traumatize pets! Last year, my son and his partner ... Continue Reading →

Now Here’s a Tip – June 14, 2022

#Middlebury Add a small bit of boiling water to a glass of iced tea to clear it up if it is cloudy. You can do this to a pitcher just before serving. If you’re traveling with ... Continue Reading →

Are irresponsible owners the bane of dog parks?

#Middlebury #DogPark DEAR PAW’S CORNER: When I first adopted my Collie mix, Sara, I went to the dog park near my apartment every morning. I thought it would be a great place for ... Continue Reading →

Now Here’s a Tip – April 28, 2022

#Middlebury “If you add a teaspoon of sugar to your biscuit mix or to the dough for rolls, it will help them to brown well, and they will come out of the oven with golden tops.” ... Continue Reading →

Social media a bad idea when rehoming pets

#Middlebury #RehomingPets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I read about Sherrie’s dilemma in trying to rehome her grandmother’s cats. Should she maybe put a notice in the newspaper ... Continue Reading →

Surrendering a pet to a shelter

#Middlebury #Cats DEAR PAW’S CORNER: When my grandmother passed away last fall, she left behind two beautiful cats. No one else in the family wanted to take care of them, so I ... Continue Reading →